Due to the coronavirus pandemic, activities have been reduced for 2022
with Vero Beach High School Gifford Middle School
Thanks to the unbelievable support and generosity of the Vero Beach High School Boosters program, we are excited to continue our collaborative work with various levels of the Vero Beach High School Orchestras as part of ChamberFest Vero Beach.
Traditionally, ChamberFest festival artists work with five levels of middle and high school orchestras in Vero Beach, preparing each ensemble for a public, side-by-side performance. With each level of orchestra, we pre-selected new, level-appropriate repertoire, coaching each orchestra in smaller chamber ensemble groups in order to provide them with a full fledged chamber ensemble experience. At the end of the week, the ensembles are back together as a conductorless chamber orchestra led by the students themselves.
For 2022, in lieu of a full Side-by-Side concert between VBHS orchestra and ChamberFest Artists, we will have a number of VBHS orchestra students join us in our Weekend Chamber Music Workshops, with an opportunity to perform on the Sunday Chamber Music Masterclass. The masterclass will be open to the public for observation.
Donations are welcome and go directly to help fund projects for the various orchestra programs in Vero Beach.